Agenus plans digital security offering. PCG's Jeff Ramson explains in this podcast

[audio mp3=""][/audio]agenus logoBiotech company Agenus is launching a "digital security offering" that will let people invest directly in a single biotech product, rather than the whole company. Jeff Ramson, founder and CEO of strategic communications firm PCG Advisory Group, became fascinated by the concept and reached out to me to discuss it, even though he is not involved in the offering. (And neither am I.)In this podcast, we cover the following topics:

  1. Agenus is launching the first asset-backed digital security offering in healthcare. What does it mean?
  2. What is a Biotech Electronic Security Token (BEST)? What are the trends it leverages?
  3. How is it being used?
  4. Has something like this already been used in other industries?
  5. What are the advantages? How does it preserve shareholder equity?
  6. Any disadvantages?
  7. Why not a traditional stock offering?
  8. What is PCG Advisory Group and what is your role?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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