ICER founder Dr. Steve Pearson explains COVID-19 remdesivir pricing model

Steve scaled e1603726353244Drug pricing is the hottest topic in healthcare, and ICER founder Dr. Steve Pearson is the coolest person to discuss it with.In this episode of the HealthBiz podcast, Steve describes how the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) compiles and analyzes clinical evidence to estimate the fair value of treatments for cancer and other serious illnesses. ICER has been especially active during the pandemic, developing a pricing model for remdesivir and other COVID-19 therapies that’s being used in the United States and by health technology assessment agencies around the world.For fun, he has been reading Paradise Lost by John Milton.This is the second episode I've recorded on COVID-19 drug pricing. Check out the first one: Remdesivir powers activate! with Dr. Surya Singh.The HealthBiz podcast is now on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and  many more services, making it easy to subscribe.Below is a rough (AI-generated) transcript of the episode.

—–By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group 


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