Delay = Death. We must speed up COVID-19 vaccinations

Israel is proceeding nearly 10x as fast as the US on COVID-19 vaccination. We need to accelerate dramatically right now in order to save tens of thousands of lives over the next several weeks. Use all the supply we have now, don't hold it back at the federal, state or hospital level! Go 24x7.I'm quoted in the Boston Globe (Biden, public health critics slam slower-than-promised pace of US COVID-19 vaccination rollout. "This should be D-Day right now," said one expert. But it's not.)

"Speed is what matters,” said David Williams, president of Health Business Group, a Boston management consulting firm. “This should be D-Day right now. But what’s happening nationally is it’s just being done in a bureaucratic manner and it’s not being done with the urgency you’d do in a civil defense or war-time exercise.”

Williams cited Oxford University data showing Israel, with a population not much bigger than Massachusetts, already has administered 5.68 doses per 100 people compared to the US total of 0.64 per 100.

Let's get going!

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


Boston Globe quotes David Williams on slow COVID-19 vaccination in the US


Why is Massachusetts failing at COVID-19 vaccination?