Interview with Proprio CEO Gabe Jones on helping surgeons see around corners

Gabe Jones Proprio headshotAs founder and CEO of Proprio, Gabe Jones is helping surgeons see around corners. If all goes according to plan, the company’s computational imaging innovations will infuse all of surgery, making great surgeons even better and bringing up the average as well. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, virtual reality --it’s all in there! Gabe’s eclectic background prepared him for his current role. From Japan to the Gates Foundation to intellectual property law, to M&A he’s seen and done a lot over his career.In this episode of the HealthBiz podcast, Gabe shares his journey and provides some book tips, including speculative fiction like Cryptonomicon and others by Neal Stephenson, Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek and Titan by Ron Chernow.Check out the rough (AI generated) transcript.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and  many more services. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Doing so helps the podcast reach more listeners.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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