Interview with CorEvitas CEO Raymond Hill

Ray Hill photo 1582212832315Ray Hill grew up on a farm and took up rowing in college. So he’s always been a hard worker and an early riser. In this edition of the HealthBiz podcast, Ray brings us up to date on progress at CorEvitas. As CEO and Chairman he’s led the company’s expansion from a singular rheumatoid arthritis registry to a broader autoimmune and inflammatory company with registries, real world evidence, biorepositories, and patient engagement capabilities.I was partial to the company’s former name, Corrona, but for some reason that one didn’t have the right connotations for the pandemic era. When not focused on CorEvitas, Ray continues to row and to cycle. And he’s also chair of Row New York, which combines rowing and academics for kids who not otherwise have access.  Ray is proud of Row NY’s 99% graduation rate from HS and 85% graduation rate from four year colleges, a remarkable record. Meanwhile, If your business needs strategy consulting support please reach out to me at We have experience throughout healthcare and life sciences, including with real world evidence companies similar to CorEvitas. Check out the rough (AI generated) transcript.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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