Regenerative medicine roundtable with Axogen and Athersys

Athersys CEO BJ Lehmann , Axogen EVP and CFO Peter Mariani, and I gathered for a regenerative medicine roundtable discussion in advance of the 2022 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference.We discussed:

  • A “year of firsts and records” for the regenerative medicine sector

  • Challenges in developing stem cells and other regenerative medicine approaches today, and how they are being addressed

  • Advantages of allogeneic therapies

  • What the next decade will bring

The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


CNS drug development roundtable with Annovis and Clene


Interview with Qualio CEO Robert Fenton