Interview with MedAware CEO Dr. Gidi Stein

Gidi Stein had what he calls a normal childhood, although he did grow up in Jerusalem with biblical olive trees in his backyard and spent 8 years in the IDF working on advanced science and technology projects. That was enough to prepare him to lead a couple of high-tech, low-success startup companies before settling in to life as a practicing physician and earning his PhD in microbiology.He never expected to get back into the startup scene, but then the tragic death of a 9 year old as a result of a medication error led him to co-found MedAware to develop AI based next generation technology for online monitoring and prevention of medication related risks at the point of care and beyond.MedAware is deployed in provider settings where it dramatically cuts down fatigue from irrelevant alerts and identifies the truly important problems. The number of alerts is reduced to only a handful per day per department, but these are ones prescribers actually pay attention to. The company is striving to make its solutions ubiquitous by partnering with OEMs, such as Baxter, where they’ve demonstrated dramatic success with the company’s smart infusion pumps.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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