HealthBiz Podcast is moving to CareTalk: Healthcare Unfiltered

The HealthBiz podcast is moving to the CareTalk: Healthcare Unfiltered Channel. From now on, when you want to listen to HealthBiz, head over to one of these links:

I launched the Health Business Blog exactly 20 years ago, on March 1, 2005 to provide my perspectives on healthcare business and policy. I wrote thousands of posts and started sprinkling in audio interviews with healthcare CEOs in 2007 –long before the podcast boom.  

My blog became very popular and as a result I even switched the name of my healthcare consulting firm to Health Business Group to take advantage of the blog’s brand equity.

The biggest podcast highlight of that era came in 2014, when I interviewed all 9 candidates for Governor of Massachusetts about their plans for healthcare. It was my goal to help elevate the political debate.

In 2017, I started co-hosting the CareTalk podcast with John Driscoll, then CEO of CareCentrix and now Chairman of the UConn Health System. We recorded monthly, in-person and experimented with a variety of formats.

When the pandemic arrived, John and I switched to remote recording and began taping weekly. There was so much to discuss about COVID-19 and we made the most of it. Our producer, Vincent Grippi masterfully built up our show to one of the top few on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Meanwhile, I also shifted the Health Business Blog to an all-podcast format in September 2020, about six months into the pandemic, with Dafna Williams taking over as producer. I called it the HealthBiz podcast and we released a new episode every week on all the major audio channels plus YouTube. We’re now well over 200 episodes.

In 2024, we tested out the idea of melding HealthBiz and CareTalk by adding HealthBiz Briefs to the CareTalk channel. The experiment was a success, generating substantial engagement.

In 2025, we’re going all the way by moving all of HealthBiz over to CareTalk. You can listen or subscribe using the links in the show notes.

You’ll now have the chance to experience HealthBiz along with a bunch of great CareTalk content, including one -on-one shows with John and me, plus John’s own interviews with executives and policy leaders.

So that’s it for the first 20 years of the Health Business Blog and HealthBiz Podcast. I’d like to thank you, my listeners and viewers, and my producer, Dafna Williams.

I’m looking forward to the next podcast chapter. I hope you’ll join me for it.

Meet me on CareTalk!


Interview with Smartbox Group CEO Dougal Hawes