Interview with ClosedLoop CEO Andrew Eye

Andrew Eye was raised by a single mom, worked at NASA, and founded and sold multiple companies. All that before jumping headfirst into healthcare by co-founding ClosedLoop. Andrew saw untapped potential in value-based care at a time when only one in three ACOs was succeeding.

We delve into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare. Discover how these technologies are revolutionizing the field, enabling organizations to harness data for accurate and actionable predictions. Hear about how policy changes from CMS have resulted in faster, cleaner, and cheaper data access. Experience the story of ClosedLoop's growth, from seed funding to larger funding rounds, and the big wins and key metrics that have propelled the company's success.

Health Business Group is a boutique healthcare consulting firm that develops growth strategies for innovative companies like ClosedLoop. Contact us to learn more.


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