Interview with Caravan Health CEO Tim Gronniger

Value based care is hard enough even in a well resourced setting. So just try making it work in a rural area without the scale, staffing and population density. But that’s the market Tim Gronniger, CEO of Caravan Health is addressing, bringing together safety net and community health systems to deliver high quality, low cost care in a culturally sensitive manner. And with some 340B revenues to sweeten the pot.

From almost good enough to be a professional trombone player, to a graduate degree with a weird name, to the halls of Congress, and now at Caravan, Tim shares his story in this episode of the HealthBiz podcast.

The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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