Interview with PatientPay CEO Tom Furr on the ClearGage merger

PatientPay and ClearGage are merging. I interviewed CEO Tom Furr to get his take. The combined offering is intended to deliver a comprehensive billing and payment platform that includes estimation and eligibility along with streamlined patient payments.

Doctors offices are generally set up to bill insurance, but patients are now responsible for a lot more of the bill. Offices that manage patient payments effectively perform much better financially and reduce friction. That's what PatientPay enables.

Patients (i.e., consumers) have become accustomed to smooth transactions through Amazon and other e-commerce and in-person experiences. So physician offices can appear archaic in comparison unless they're using something like PatientPay.

Tom was a guest on the show several years ago, and it was great to have him back to share the big progress his company has made. 

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