Putting an end to polycystic kidney disease. Interview with Richard Kellner

Richard Kellner is on a mission to end polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a leading cause of kidney failure in younger people. The key is combining  pre-implantation genetic testing with in vitro fertilization to prevent the disease from being passed from parent to child. The PKD Outreach Foundation, run by Richard is raising awareness so that physicians and parents-to-be know about this option. PKD Outreach is also making testing and IVF more affordable and accessible through a partnership with US Fertility and by making cash grants to families.

In addition, PKD Outreach is  publicizing ways to slowing the progression in young adults with lifestyle and drugs, and supporting live kidney donation.

Richard has a compelling personal story. His late wife passed away from PKD, even after receiving a kidney donation from Richard. His adult kids have it, too.

I like the organization's mission and determination so I decided to donate. You might want to do the same.

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