Case Studies Case Studies

Business Plan For Seed Stage Telemedicine Company

Two leading Silicon Valley venture capital funds were incubating a seed stage telemedicine company that proposed to leverage nurse practitioners as an alternative for certain primary care conditions. The investors sought out Health Business Group to assist in understanding the market landscape and segmenting prospective customers.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Enterprise Pricing Strategy For Health It Vendor

A health information technology company had achieved strong market penetration with hospitals, health systems and individual healthcare professionals. However, advances in technology and computer networks, consolidation of the provider market, and the company’s lack of a comprehensive pricing strategy had created challenges.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Strategic plan for academic research institution

A biomedical research institute within a large clinical organization had encountered difficulties in developing and communicating a strategic plan. An initial plan had been developed internally, but key members of the parent organization’s board and senior management were skeptical of the value of research and were concerned about the costs of the institute and of the proposed strategy.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Mobile strategy for clinical decision support company

A leading provider of physician clinical decision support tools asked Health Business Group to assist in developing a business case for a platform for professional mobile medical apps. The mobile app market had undergone rapid growth and transformation over the past several years and all indications were that this space would continue to be highly dynamic.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Business plan for HIV research consortium

The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research is an independent public-private partnership, which facilitates and enhances HIV research by framing difficult issues and helping to establish research strategies. Its members include governmental agencies such as NIH and FDA, private industry including big pharma and biotech, academic researchers from leading institutions, providers, foundations and the advocacy community.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Growth strategy for outsourced hospitalist company

A leading hospitalist company was seeking additional growth and evaluating long-term strategic alternatives to maintain a differentiated offering in the marketplace.The overall hospitalist market is large and growing, due to increasing acceptance from community physicians, demand from hospitals for new programs and expansion of existing programs, and a growing realization that insourced solutions have drawbacks.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Growth strategy, financing for medical risk management company

Advanced Practice Strategies (APS) is a medical risk management company, which partners with leading professional liability carriers such as the Harvard Risk Management Foundation/CRICO to develop demonstrative evidence for use at malpractice trials and to provide online continuing medical education (CME) to healthcare providers to improve patient safety and risk management.

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