Case Studies Case Studies

Strategic plan for academic research institution

A biomedical research institute within a large clinical organization had encountered difficulties in developing and communicating a strategic plan. An initial plan had been developed internally, but key members of the parent organization’s board and senior management were skeptical of the value of research and were concerned about the costs of the institute and of the proposed strategy.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Business plan for HIV research consortium

The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research is an independent public-private partnership, which facilitates and enhances HIV research by framing difficult issues and helping to establish research strategies. Its members include governmental agencies such as NIH and FDA, private industry including big pharma and biotech, academic researchers from leading institutions, providers, foundations and the advocacy community.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Sustainability plan for statewide e-health collaborative

A statewide electronic healthcare collaborative was nearing the end of its pilot funding from a large payer. The collaborative needed support in developing a broader funding plan in order to achieve its full statewide objectives. The collaborative brought together the state’s main healthcare stakeholders to overcome the barriers to electronic health record (EHR) adoption.

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