Time to spare? Travel by air (and via O'Hare)

My itinerary was too good to be true last night. A 7 pm flight from Des Moines, changing at O'Hare with an hour between flights. But air traffic control slowed incoming flights and we were an hour late. I sprinted from one concourse to the next, arriving at gate B6 for my 9:05 pm flight to Boston at 9:06. But no, this flight --the last of the night-- was already gone, and with it my plans for morning meetings in Boston. Thanks guys!At least I got a bit of a workout in the process.This morning, while waiting in the security line for my rebooked flight, I overheard someone else lament their air travel woes. Another person piped in, "If you have time to spare, travel by air." And I should add, "through O'Hare," which usually seems to do it for me.


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