EarlySense makes touch-less vital sign monitoring a reality: Podcast

EarlySense make a sensor that goes under a patient's mattress and monitors heart rate, respiration and movement without needing to affix any leads to a patient. It makes it feasible to conduct monitoring outside of an intensive care unit or inpatient hospital bed, helps reduces "alarm fatigue" by cutting down on false signals, and can improve patient care by reducing falls and pressure ulcers.EarlySense was founded in Israel and is now based in Massachusetts, the product of Governor Deval Patrick's trade mission to Israel in 2011. The company's CEO, Avner Halperin is a high school classmate of mine.In this podcast interview, EarlySense president Tim O'Malley brings us up to speed on the latest developments and describes how the Affordable Care Act is creating opportunities.---By David E. Williams of the Health Business Group[audio http://healthbb.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/earlymalley.mp3].


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