Diversification strategy for healthcare analytics vendor

A client with cutting-edge technology for point-of-care clinical decision support for providers was pursuing opportunities to expand into the adjacent payer and pharmaceutical markets.Expansion into new markets meant a whole new set of direct and indirect competitors. Health Business Group provided an in-depth perspective on the market and competitive environment for healthcare analytics across the relevant markets and helped the client understand how the market would evolve over time.We segmented the analytics market by major customer type, estimated the size and growth of each segment, and identified the leading players in each segment. We did extensive analysis of the top 15 to 20 competitors in each major segment. This work included a detailed outline of service offerings, customer segments served, key customers, value proposition, size and growth, alliances, M&A activities, sources of data, pricing structure and levels, reputation, and strategic intent. A fact base was constructed through a combination of primary and secondary research, including company and customer interviews, industry conferences, market research, SEC filings, and analyst reports.With a shared, in-depth understanding of the current and evolving healthcare analytics marketplace and the key players, we worked with management to develop a set of strategic and tactical implications, including business development, product development, pricing, positioning, and bundling.The client highly valued our work product and collaborative process. Over the following year, the client was successful in expanding into new markets and was ultimately acquired by a national health plan.


Health plan IT systems due diligence for private equity firm


Mobile strategy for clinical decision support company