Case Studies Case Studies

Medical benefits management diversification for PBM

A leading pharmacy benefit management (PBM) company had achieved a robust growth trajectory via organic growth and acquisitions. Health Business Group was asked to evaluate the attractiveness of other medical benefits markets including oncology, radiology, orthopedics, and medical devices and to develop an entry strategy for the more promising ones.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Remote patient monitoring: market entry strategy

A leading medical technology company asked Health Business Group to evaluate whether the company should expand its presence in the market for remote patient monitoring (RPM) for chronic illness. RPM is a promising technology that has the potential to address fundamental issues in healthcare, especially the rising demand for chronic care coupled with caregiver shortages and financial constraints.

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Case Studies Case Studies

Private equity investment in health IT company

Passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has created attractive opportunities for private equity firms to invest in companies that serve newly insured segments of the population and contain costs. But investing in the sector requires insight into the details of how health reform is rolling out and how different players in the market are likely to react to new incentives, rules and opportunities.

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