Interoperability in healthcare 2019: Podcast interview with Rhapsody

[audio mp3=""][/audio]image001Interoperability has a been a buzzword in healthcare for about a decade, but sometimes it doesn't seem like we've gotten that far. In this podcast, Rhapsody's EVP of Product & Strategy, Drew Ivan and I discuss interoperability: its past, present and future.Here's what we covered:

  • 0:20 What is interoperability anyway?
  • 2:50 Why do we hear about interoperability so much in healthcare? Is it an issues in other industries?
  • 5:11 How does interoperability in the US compare to the situation elsewhere?
  • 6:51 Does interoperability matter to patients?
  • 9:20 Has interoperability failed in the past? What new models are being tried?
  • 11:54 What's the business model for interoperability?
  • 13:42 Are there any downsides? Does interoperability create any new problems?
  • 14:54 How will interoperability evolve in the coming year?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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