Amazon bears down on healthcare. I'm quoted in Investor's Business Daily

Investor's Business Daily is out with a comprehensive and timely piece on Amazon's bold moves in healthcare (Amazon's Health Care Push Could Be Its Next Big Market Disruption). Even though Amazon has been weighing on the fortunes of traditional healthcare players for some time, the recent Amazon pharmacy announcement still shook up the market, driving down the shares of CVS, Rite Aid, etc.Amazon brings consumer focus, scale, and most importantly --low prices-- to healthcare. The potential is dramatic, especially in the COVID-19 era when Amazon is on offense in general.I'm quoted in the piece by author, Brian Deagon.

Amazon probably has the best shot at moving the needle. That's because of its global, personalized connection to consumers, its high-speed delivery of packages, its powerful cloud computing unit and the wide variety of medical equipment on its e-commerce platform."Everyone in health care is scared of Amazon, and rightly so," said David Williams, president at Health Business Group, a health care consultant. "Amazon is coming at it from all directions and they have the technology, scale and consumer focus needed to succeed.""All these companies will have to figure out how they stay alive," Williams said.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


Investor's Business Daily quotes David Williams about Amazon in healthcare


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