Niall Brennan brings data to the healthcare party

Niall Brennan photoNiall Brennan isn’t one to pull punches. From his perch as CEO of the Health Care Cost Institute he uses data to call out the moral and ethical failures of the US healthcare system. Insulin pricing, air ambulances, surprise billing, the pandemic. Whatever the topic, Brennan brings his sharp wit and deep reservoir of healthcare knowledge.Before HCCI, Brennan was Chief Data Officer for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and a staffer at Brookings, MedPac, the Congressional Budget Office and the Urban Institute. So his is the perspective of someone who knows what he’s talking about.For reading, Niall recommends Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe about the 'Troubles' in Northern Island and Let's Go (So We Can Get Back), an autobiography by Wilco lead singer Jeff Tweedy.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and  many more services. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Doing so helps the podcast reach more listeners.Below is a rough (AI generated) transcript of the episode. Click on a word if you want to start the podcast from a particular spot.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


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