GoCheck Kids CEO Kevon Saber shares vision with pediatricians

Kevon Saber photoVision impairment is the most common disability for children, and it’s usually very treatable if detected early. But pediatricians struggle with vision screening. Wall charts are cumbersome to administer and as a result practices take shortcuts and miss a lot of cases. Kevon Saber is on a mission to change that. GoCheck Kids, where he’s CEO, uses a smartphone based tool for easy vision screening that integrates with the electronic health record.In this episode of the HealthBiz Podcast, Kevon traces his journey as the son of Persian and Mexican parents living in immigrant neighborhoods, through Santa Clara University, Stanford, Silicon Valley and now Nashville. Many of the kids he grew up with have struggled --some are dead or in prison. Meanwhile, Kevon is a proponent of diversity in healthcare leadership, and wants his team to reflect the communities they serve.Kevon is re-reading (or listening to) a few books:

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By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


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