Interview with CytImmune CEO Saba Malak

I first encountered Saba Malak when I was a summer consultant at Boston Consulting Group and he was a new MBA. We stayed in touch and when I became chairman of Advanced Practice Strategies a few years later, Saba joined the board as lead investor.Since then, Saba has invested in various healthcare and biotech companies in the public and private markets. I never thought of Saba as an operating executive --and apparently neither did he-- but a couple of years ago he became so enamored with a company he’d invested in that he decided to take the plunge and become CEO.That company, CytImmune is establishing a global leadership role in the field of cancer nanomedicine. It is a platform company with products of its own in development. The potential is huge, and in this episode of the HealthBiz podcast Saba explains the technology and why he is confident it will ultimately help patients. The company has a Phase II development collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, and is scaling up its manufacturing to be ready.

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By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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