Interview with Curation Health CEO Kevin Coloton

Kevin Coloton always knew he’d be in healthcare. After all, both of his parents and all of their friends worked in the field. And as a high school athlete he frequently found himself injured and under the care of a physical therapist.Kevin started off in PT and then gravitated to the business side of healthcare, earning an MBA and accumulating experience as a consultant, hospital administrator, and start-up executive. Just over three years ago he founded Curation Health to simplify care delivery under risk-based contracts. Curation preaches three keys to ensure success: A pre-visit review, contextual recommendations that make it easy for a physician to act, and a post-visit review by a medical coder.After medical visits dried up in early 2020, fee for service providers looked on with envy at their value based peers who continued to get paid as usual. Curation Health can help, but Kevin explains that FFS providers typically under-appreciate the hard right turn that’s needed to succeed in value based care when your infrastructure is built on a fee for service chassis.

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By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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