Interview with Eosera CEO Elyse Stoltz Dickerson

[embed][/embed]Elyse Stoltz Dickerson was a very driven little child, a tomboy who struggled through her early schooling with undiagnosed dyslexia. Eventually she found her way into graphic design, retail, and healthcare before co-founding Eosera, where she’s CEO.The company’s first big break was a little bigger than she wanted. When CVS offered her a 10 minute meeting, she planned to boldly ask them to try Eosera’s ear wax remover in 2000 stores. Instead, CVS asked for it in 8000 stores and the race was on to keep up with demand.Elyse is still very driven, competing in marathons, triathlons and Ironman competitions. Eosera is a part of the Conscious Capitalism movement that puts purpose before profits. And Elyse enjoys audio books including Humor, Seriously and How Remarkable Women Lead.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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