Podcast interview with Shoreline Biosciences CEO Kleanthis Xanthopoulos

Kleanthis Xanthopoulos grew up in Greece, with an interest in science and business. His academic achievements gave him his choice of where to pursue his advanced studies. He chose Sweden, which enabled him to remain in Europe without switching to the local language. Eventually he relocated to the US where he played a key role in the Human Genome Project before turning to entrepreneurship.As Chairman and CEO of Shoreline Biosciences in San Diego, he’s shepherding the development of advanced cell therapies, based on the research of Dr. Dan Kaufman. California embraced stem cell research at a time when there was some hostility elsewhere. Years later, the effects are evident, with San Diego emerging as a key place for stem cell advancement and with a growing impact on patients.Shoreline goes beyond T cells to focus on Natural Killer cells, developing allogeneic therapies that do not have to be customized for each patient. If successful, that will reduce costs and time, and widen the pool of patients who can benefit.The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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