Interview with Definitive Healthcare CEO Jason Krantz

Jason Krantz set his career path at age 12, when he learned that he could make more money in his lawn mowing business by hiring other kids to mow the lawns. After a stint at McKinsey in the late 90s he went to Harvard Business School and graduated at the height of the dot com boom, as founder and CEO of Infinata an information services company. Unlike most companies founded at that time, Infinata survived and was ultimately sold. At Definitive Healthcare, Jason has led the company through a decade of growth with an emphasis on healthcare commercial intelligence. In this episode of the HealthBiz podcast, Jason describes the trajectory of the company and emphasizes the critical importance of culture, especially as the companies grows from the tens to the high hundreds of employees and goes public, as Definitive recently did. In his spare time, Jason has been reading David Nasaw’s book about Andrew Carnegie, America’s original titan.

The HealthBiz podcast is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsYouTube and  many more services.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.


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