Interview with Biotricity CEO Waqaas Al-Siddiq

Many computer engineers grew up playing video games, but Waqqas al-Siddiq had a more traditional Canadian upbringing, hunting and enjoying the cold, expansive outdoors. Maybe it was the tracking of game that led him into remote monitoring with design roles at IBM and Intel?Now, as founder and CEO of Biotricity, Waqqas is providing leading edge biometric monitoring for medical and consumer markets with an emphasis on diagnosis and post-diagnostic products for chronic illness and wellness.The lead product, Bioflux is a single unit mobile cardiac telemetry device with real-time monitoring and data transmission. Additional solutions include Biocare Telemed, and Bioheart a consumer oriented product.He’s recently read Sapiens --which he doesn’t really recommend, and Guns, Germs, and Steel -which he does.


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