Interview with Jean Drouin, Clarify Health CEO

Jean Drouin worked at McKinsey before going to medical school, giving him unusual insights into production optimization that he immediately applied to the patient journey.

After several more years at McKinsey, including a stint reforming the UK's National Health Service, Jean co-founded Clarify Health Solutions. He realized early on that value based care was a great concept, but that it needed much better data and analytics at the level of individual patient journeys to enable it to succeed.

Clarify Health combines the database and modeling techniques deployed by the world’s most sophisticated financial companies with the Moneyball approach used to achieve great outcomes at low cost in Major League Baseball. The vision, which is starting to be realized, is to enable value based care that is sustainable, automated and easy to deploy.

Jean was a willing guest, and indulged me by wandering into topics as diverse as 17-year locusts, health equity, Einstein’s strengths and weaknesses, and how to read a book without consuming its core content.

Health Business Group is a boutique healthcare consulting firm that develops growth strategies for companies like Clarify. Contact us to learn more.


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